RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1937-1937) 0001 $ 184.9 $ 14.2 $ 199.1 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 0002 $ 5.3 $ 1.8 $ 7.1 Saratoga (1937) 0003 $ 2.1 $ 1.4 $ 3.6 Conquest (1937) 0004 $ 2.0 n/a $ 2.0 Stella Dallas (1937) 0005 $ 2.3 n/a $ 2.3 One Hundred Men and a Girl (1937) 0006 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 La grande illusion (1937) 0007 $ 1.6 n/a $ 1.6 Parnell (1937) 0008 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Pépé le Moko (1937) 0009 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Annapolis Salute (1937) 0010 $ 4.4 n/a $ 4.4 A Star Is Born (1937) 0011 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Green Fields (1937) TOTAL $ 203.4 $ 17.4 $ 220.8