WorldwideBoxoffice [2025]
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .


4233  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Mississippi Grind (2015) 
4234  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Moka (2016) 
4235  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Yi ge ren de wu lin (2014) 
4236  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Zoya Factor (2019) 
4237  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Loneliest Planet (2011) 
4238  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Eating Animals (2017) 
4239  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Ang-ma-reul bo-at-da (2010) 
4240  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  City of Ghosts (2017) 
4241  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Cop Car (2015) 
4242  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Joker (2012) 
4243  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Stonewall Uprising (2010) 
4244  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Du zhan (2012) 
4245  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Game (2011/I) 
4246  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia (2013) 
4247       n/a  $    0.1  $    0.1  Vozvrashchenie Buratino (2013) 
4248  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Earth: One Amazing Day (2017) 
4249  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  GameStop: Rise of the Players (2022) 
4250  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  A Band Called Death (2012) 
4251  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Le jeune Karl Marx (2017) 
4252  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Europa Report (2013) 
4253  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography (2016) 
4254  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Stereotype (2013) 
4255  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Få meg på, for faen (2011) 
4256  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Al midan (2013) 
4257  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Fukrey (2013) 

TOTAL $    3.0  $    0.2  $    3.2  

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