RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1975-2025) 7590 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 7 Days in Entebbe (2018) 7591 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Pig (2021) 7592 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Silent Fall (1994) 7593 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Penitentiary II (1982) 7594 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Ride (2000) 7595 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Crumb (1994) 7596 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Grizzly Man (2005) 7597 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Rude Awakening (1989) 7598 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Eagle Huntress (2016) 7599 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (2008) 7600 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Phoenix (2015/IV) 7601 $ 0.4 $ 2.7 $ 3.2 Under sandet (2015) 7602 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Girl Who Believes in Miracles (2021) 7603 $ 0.6 $ 2.6 $ 3.2 El gran milagro (2011) 7604 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Clerks (1994) 7605 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Big Kahuna (1999) 7606 n/a $ 3.1 $ 3.1 The Blue Elephant (2014) 7607 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Voyagers (2021) 7608 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Two Lovers (2008) 7609 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Sisters Brothers (2018) 7610 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Naked Cage (1986) 7611 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Favor (1994) 7612 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Maurice (1987) 7613 n/a $ 3.1 $ 3.1 Sin-de-rel-la (2006) 7614 $ 2.7 $ 0.4 $ 3.1 Death Machine (1994) TOTAL $ 66.9 $ 12.0 $ 79.0