(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .


9243  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Leaving Normal (1992) 
9244  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Call Me by Your Name (2017) 
9245  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  La cité des enfants perdus (1995) 
9246       n/a  $    1.5  $    1.5  So Undercover (2012) 
9247  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Running the Bases (2022) 
9248  $    1.0  $    0.5  $    1.5  Chikyû Bôeigun (1957) 
9249  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  La doppia ora (2009) 
9250  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Streets (1990) 
9251  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Bill Cunningham New York (2010) 
9252  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Oscar and Lucinda (1997) 
9253  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  The Kid (2019) 
9254  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  The Celluloid Closet (1995) 
9255  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Housefull 2 (2012) 
9256  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Company Business (1991) 
9257  $    0.8  $    0.8  $    1.5  Abby 79 (2011) 
9258  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  The Whistle Blower (1986) 
9259  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  How to Make Money Selling Drugs (2012) 
9260  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Harum Scarum (1965) 
9261  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Out of Order (2013/I) 
9262  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  The Burning Hills (1956) 
9263  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Trash (1970) 
9264  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  At Long Last Love (1975) 
9265  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Walk the Proud Land (1956) 
9266  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Fun in Acapulco (1963) 
9267  $    1.5       n/a  $    1.5  Pillars of the Sky (1956) 

TOTAL $   34.8  $    2.8  $   37.6  

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