RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (2000-2025) 7501 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Elles (2011) 7502 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Il capitale umano (2013) 7503 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Ha-Buah (2006) 7504 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Free the Mind (2012) 7505 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Vendredi soir (2002) 7506 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Pastorela (2011) 7507 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 My Winnipeg (2007) 7508 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Derrida (2002) 7509 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 InAPPropriate Comedy (2013) 7510 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Tulpan (2008) 7511 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Hell and Back (2015) 7512 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Far from the Tree (2017) 7513 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Deadtime (2012) 7514 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Washington Heights (2002) 7515 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 The Horse Boy (2009) 7516 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Dans l'oeil du chat (2004) 7517 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Crazy Horse (2011) 7518 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.2 Naqoyqatsi (2002) 7519 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Desert Dancer (2014) 7520 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Eating Out (2004/I) 7521 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Experimenter (2015) 7522 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 LUV (2012) 7523 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 A Good Old Fashioned Orgy (2011) 7524 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 3 coeurs (2014) 7525 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Hunger (2008) TOTAL $ 3.9 $ 0.0 $ 3.9