RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1978-2025) 7476 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Grizzly Man (2005) 7477 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Rude Awakening (1989) 7478 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Eagle Huntress (2016) 7479 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (2008) 7480 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Phoenix (2015/IV) 7481 $ 0.4 $ 2.7 $ 3.2 Under sandet (2015) 7482 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Girl Who Believes in Miracles (2021) 7483 $ 0.6 $ 2.6 $ 3.2 El gran milagro (2011) 7484 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 Clerks (1994) 7485 $ 3.2 n/a $ 3.2 The Big Kahuna (1999) 7486 n/a $ 3.1 $ 3.1 The Blue Elephant (2014) 7487 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Voyagers (2021) 7488 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Two Lovers (2008) 7489 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Sisters Brothers (2018) 7490 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Naked Cage (1986) 7491 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Favor (1994) 7492 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Maurice (1987) 7493 n/a $ 3.1 $ 3.1 Sin-de-rel-la (2006) 7494 $ 2.7 $ 0.4 $ 3.1 Death Machine (1994) 7495 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Rosewater (2014) 7496 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Mr. Wonderful (1993) 7497 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 The Boynton Beach Bereavement Club (2005) 7498 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Obvious Child (2014) 7499 $ 0.1 $ 3.1 $ 3.1 La terza madre (2007) 7500 $ 3.1 n/a $ 3.1 Capturing the Friedmans (2003) TOTAL $ 63.5 $ 15.1 $ 78.6