WorldwideBoxoffice [2025]
RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1975-2025) 11026 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 TerrorVision (1986) 11027 n/a $ 0.3 $ 0.3 Cetvrti covek (2007) 11028 n/a $ 0.3 $ 0.3 Mucha (2010) 11029 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Winter Solstice (2004/I) 11030 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 The Safety of Objects (2001) 11031 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Trading Mom (1994) 11032 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Compliance (2012) 11033 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Trekkies (1997) 11034 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Not Today (2013) 11035 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 The Outside Chance of Maximilian Glick (1988) 11036 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Indigènes (2006) 11037 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Liberal Arts (2012) 11038 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Adoration (2013) 11039 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 The Yellow Handkerchief (2008) 11040 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) 11041 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Un air de famille (1996) 11042 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Good Kill (2014) 11043 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Presque rien (2000) 11044 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 The Road to Guantanamo (2006) 11045 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 AmeriGeddon (2016) 11046 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Winterschläfer (1997) 11047 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Waterman (2021) 11048 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Promised Land (1987) 11049 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 David and Goliath (2015) 11050 $ 0.3 n/a $ 0.3 Under the Sun (1992) TOTAL $ 7.3 $ 0.6 $ 7.9