RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1959-2025) 9176 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Tales of Terror (1962) 9177 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Watermelon Man (1970) 9178 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Charro! (1969) 9179 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Harum Scarum (1965) 9180 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Immoral Mr. Teas (1959) 9181 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 El Jefe (2010) 9182 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 M. Butterfly (1993) 9183 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Priceless (2016/II) 9184 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Hors de prix (2006) 9185 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 A Dangerous Woman (1993) 9186 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 City of Industry (1997) 9187 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 A Cry in the Wild (1990) 9188 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Garbo Talks (1984) 9189 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 La herencia Valdemar (2010) 9190 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Days of Darkness (2007) 9191 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Bollywood/Hollywood (2002) 9192 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 Nam-gwa yeo (2016) 9193 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Priceless (2016) 9194 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven (1970) 9195 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Evelyn (2002) 9196 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 Nos miran (2002) 9197 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Toni Erdmann (2016) 9198 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Le château de ma mère (1990) 9199 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) 9200 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Clockwise (1986) TOTAL $ 29.8 $ 7.4 $ 37.3