RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1965-2021) 2576 $ 40.0 $ 11.8 $ 51.8 Enough (2002/I) 2577 $ 51.8 n/a $ 51.8 The Little Rascals (1994) 2578 $ 39.5 $ 12.2 $ 51.8 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) 2579 $ 0.3 $ 51.4 $ 51.7 Arthur et la vengeance de Maltazard (2009) 2580 $ 51.7 n/a $ 51.7 I Can Do Bad All by Myself (2009) 2581 $ 0.5 $ 51.3 $ 51.7 Di renjie: Tong tian di guo (2010) 2582 $ 51.7 n/a $ 51.7 The China Syndrome (1979) 2583 $ 14.5 $ 37.2 $ 51.7 Maximum Risk (1996) 2584 $ 51.7 n/a $ 51.7 The French Connection (1971) 2585 $ 43.2 $ 8.5 $ 51.7 Biloxi Blues (1988) 2586 $ 44.0 $ 7.7 $ 51.7 Eat, Shrink, and Be Merry (2017) 2587 $ 40.4 $ 11.2 $ 51.6 Blue Crush (2002) 2588 $ 30.1 $ 21.5 $ 51.6 Dragonfly (2002) 2589 $ 45.9 $ 5.7 $ 51.5 The Breakfast Club (1985) 2590 n/a $ 51.5 $ 51.5 Neko no ongaeshi (2002) 2591 $ 30.1 $ 21.3 $ 51.4 Daybreakers (2009) 2592 $ 41.0 $ 10.4 $ 51.4 Confidence (2003) 2593 $ 35.9 $ 15.4 $ 51.4 Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) 2594 $ 51.3 n/a $ 51.3 American Made (2017) 2595 n/a $ 51.3 $ 51.3 Las aventuras de Tadeo Jones (2012) 2596 $ 1.1 $ 50.2 $ 51.3 Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann (2013) 2597 $ 51.3 n/a $ 51.3 The Love Bug (1968) 2598 $ 38.5 $ 12.7 $ 51.2 West Side Story (2021) 2599 $ 28.6 $ 22.5 $ 51.2 Defiance (2008/I) 2600 $ 51.1 n/a $ 51.1 Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (1994) TOTAL $ 834.3 $ 453.8 $ 1288.0