RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (2004-2020) 4476 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 House (2008) 4477 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 The Public (2018) 4478 $ 0.1 $ 0.5 $ 0.6 Klimt (2006) 4479 $ 0.1 $ 0.5 $ 0.6 I Spit on Your Grave (2010) 4480 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 A Tale of Love and Darkness (2015) 4481 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Ji yi da shi (2017) 4482 $ 0.4 $ 0.2 $ 0.6 Die Unsichtbaren (2017) 4483 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Tommy's Honour (2016) 4484 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Joni 75: A Birthday Celebration (2019) 4485 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Down in the Valley (2005) 4486 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Tunnel (2016) 4487 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 The Future (2011) 4488 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Etz Limon (2008) 4489 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Touch of Pink (2004) 4490 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Dum Maaro Dum (2011) 4491 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Jimmy's Hall (2014) 4492 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Harry & Snowman (2015) 4493 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Tamara Drewe (2010) 4494 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 House of Good and Evil (2013) 4495 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Knight of Cups (2015) 4496 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 TambiƩn la lluvia (2010) 4497 n/a $ 0.6 $ 0.6 George and the Dragon (2004) 4498 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Bitter Harvest (2017) 4499 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Visages, villages (2017) 4500 $ 0.6 n/a $ 0.6 Saturday's Warrior (2016) TOTAL $ 12.5 $ 1.7 $ 14.1