RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (2005-2018) 2301 $ 6.0 $ 5.3 $ 11.3 Lars and the Real Girl (2007) 2302 $ 11.3 n/a $ 11.3 Unforgettable (2017/II) 2303 $ 0.2 $ 11.0 $ 11.3 Il divo - La spettacolare vita di Giulio Andreotti (2008) 2304 $ 1.1 $ 10.1 $ 11.2 Lady Macbeth (2016/I) 2305 $ 11.2 n/a $ 11.2 Be Kind Rewind (2008) 2306 $ 11.2 n/a $ 11.2 The Old Man & the Gun (2018) 2307 $ 4.8 $ 6.3 $ 11.1 Incarnate (2016) 2308 n/a $ 11.1 $ 11.1 Salyut-7 (2017) 2309 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Hell Fest (2018) 2310 $ 5.7 $ 5.4 $ 11.1 The Warrior's Way (2010) 2311 $ 9.6 $ 1.5 $ 11.1 Hotel Mumbai (2018) 2312 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 In the Land of Women (2007) 2313 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Mrs Henderson Presents (2005) 2314 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Island of Lemurs: Madagascar (2014) 2315 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Lords of Dogtown (2005) 2316 n/a $ 11.0 $ 11.0 KM 31: Kilómetro 31 (2006) 2317 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 The Astronaut Farmer (2006) 2318 $ 3.7 $ 7.2 $ 11.0 The Cold Light of Day (2012) 2319 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Doomsday (2008) 2320 $ 10.5 $ 0.4 $ 10.9 Greta (2018) 2321 $ 10.9 n/a $ 10.9 Stop-Loss (2008) 2322 $ 10.9 n/a $ 10.9 Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) 2323 $ 5.0 $ 5.9 $ 10.9 Io sono l'amore (2009) 2324 $ 9.4 $ 1.5 $ 10.9 Black Snake Moan (2006) 2325 n/a $ 10.9 $ 10.9 Spanish Movie (2009) TOTAL $ 188.7 $ 87.7 $ 276.3