RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1949-2018) 2701 n/a $ 45.2 $ 45.2 Hon zin (2012) 2702 $ 20.8 $ 24.4 $ 45.2 Blair Witch (2016) 2703 $ 45.1 n/a $ 45.1 The Giver (2014) 2704 $ 34.2 $ 10.8 $ 45.0 The Hunted (2003) 2705 $ 45.0 n/a $ 45.0 Deep Throat (1972) 2706 $ 44.0 $ 1.0 $ 45.0 Dinosaurs Alive (2007) 2707 $ 16.1 $ 28.9 $ 45.0 Death Wish II (1982) 2708 $ 45.0 n/a $ 45.0 Convoy (1978) 2709 $ 45.0 n/a $ 45.0 Foul Play (1978) 2710 $ 33.8 $ 11.2 $ 45.0 Wind River (2017) 2711 $ 44.9 n/a $ 44.9 Den of Thieves (2018) 2712 $ 44.9 n/a $ 44.9 First Man (2018) 2713 $ 29.4 $ 15.5 $ 44.9 Pacific Heights (1990) 2714 $ 44.9 n/a $ 44.9 All Eyez on Me (2017) 2715 $ 29.8 $ 15.1 $ 44.9 Grudge Match (2013) 2716 $ 31.4 $ 13.5 $ 44.9 Chef (2014) 2717 $ 44.8 n/a $ 44.8 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) 2718 $ 44.7 n/a $ 44.7 Summer of '42 (1971) 2719 $ 44.7 n/a $ 44.7 Magnum Force (1973) 2720 $ 3.7 $ 40.9 $ 44.7 A Monster Calls (2016) 2721 $ 12.0 $ 32.6 $ 44.6 The Gift (2000) 2722 $ 44.5 n/a $ 44.5 The Odd Couple (1968) 2723 $ 0.3 $ 44.2 $ 44.5 Taxi (1998/I) 2724 $ 44.5 n/a $ 44.5 McFarland, USA (2015) 2725 $ 0.5 $ 43.9 $ 44.4 L'arnacoeur (2010) TOTAL $ 794.1 $ 327.3 $ 1121.4