RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1995-2013) 6226 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Revenge of the Electric Car (2011) 6227 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 May (2002) 6228 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.2 Road to Nowhere (2010/I) 6229 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Life in a Metro (2007) 6230 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Two Men Went to War (2002) 6231 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 Simon och ekarna (2011) 6232 $ 0.2 n/a $ 0.2 The Great New Wonderful (2005) 6233 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Enemies of Laughter (2000) 6234 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Gogona Slaididan (2009) 6235 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Les chevaux de Dieu (2012) 6236 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 The Bronx Balletomane (2008) 6237 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Les glaneurs et la glaneuse (2000) 6238 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Hanyo (2010) 6239 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Garçon stupide (2004) 6240 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Shadow Magic (2000) 6241 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Karmen (2003) 6242 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Gun Hill Road (2011) 6243 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Bringing Godzilla Down to Size: The Art of Japanese Special Effects (2008) 6244 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Cocaine Cowboys (2006) 6245 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Bartleby (2001) 6246 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Syngué sabour, pierre de patience (2012) 6247 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Direct Contact (2009) 6248 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Talaye sorkh (2003) 6249 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Punks (2000) 6250 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Eames: The Architect & The Painter (2011) TOTAL $ 3.0 $ 0.7 $ 3.7