RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1977-2013) 3201 $ 20.9 n/a $ 20.9 Mr. Baseball (1992) 3202 $ 0.7 $ 20.1 $ 20.9 Gekijô-ban poketto monsutaa: Mizu no Miyako no Mamori Gami Ratiasu to Ratiosu (2002) 3203 $ 17.1 $ 3.8 $ 20.9 Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004) 3204 $ 20.9 n/a $ 20.9 Jason's Lyric (1994) 3205 $ 7.2 $ 13.7 $ 20.8 Encounter in the Thrid Dimension (1999) 3206 $ 20.8 n/a $ 20.8 Say Anything... (1989) 3207 $ 20.8 n/a $ 20.8 The Dead Zone (1983) 3208 $ 20.8 n/a $ 20.8 Fear (1996) 3209 $ 11.5 $ 9.2 $ 20.7 Boys Don't Cry (1999) 3210 $ 20.7 n/a $ 20.7 Julia (1977) 3211 $ 20.7 n/a $ 20.7 Hamlet (1990) 3212 n/a $ 20.7 $ 20.7 Die Welle (2008) 3213 $ 4.3 $ 16.4 $ 20.7 A Life Less Ordinary (1997) 3214 $ 20.7 n/a $ 20.7 Mad Money (2008) 3215 $ 20.7 n/a $ 20.7 Speechless (1994) 3216 $ 20.7 n/a $ 20.7 The Man from Snowy River (1982) 3217 n/a $ 20.6 $ 20.6 Go-ji-jeon (2011) 3218 $ 4.9 $ 15.7 $ 20.6 The Magdalene Sisters (2002) 3219 $ 20.6 n/a $ 20.6 F/X (1986) 3220 $ 11.2 $ 9.4 $ 20.6 Bobby (2006) 3221 $ 20.6 n/a $ 20.6 The Invisible (2007) 3222 $ 15.0 $ 5.6 $ 20.6 Child's Play 3 (1991) 3223 $ 20.2 $ 0.3 $ 20.5 Country Strong (2010) 3224 $ 20.5 n/a $ 20.5 Porky's Revenge (1985) 3225 $ 20.5 n/a $ 20.5 Top Secret! (1984) TOTAL $ 381.8 $ 135.5 $ 517.3