RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (2000-2012) 4926 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 The Future of Food (2004) 4927 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Dikarka (2002) 4928 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Det okända. (2000) 4929 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Standard Time (2002) 4930 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Crazy Wisdom: The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (2011) 4931 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Chrystal (2004) 4932 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Kurt Cobain About a Son (2006) 4933 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Invincible (2001) 4934 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 El topo (2004) 4935 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008) 4936 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Ballast (2008) 4937 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Waking Sleeping Beauty (2009) 4938 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! (2008) 4939 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Foreign Letters (2012) 4940 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Moartea domnului Lãzãrescu (2005) 4941 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus (2003) 4942 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh (2009) 4943 n/a $ 0.1 $ 0.1 Dagen zonder lief (2007) 4944 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Cover (2007) 4945 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Suits on the Loose (2005) 4946 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Pray the Devil Back to Hell (2008) 4947 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Stuck in Love (2012) 4948 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 L'ivresse du pouvoir (2006) 4949 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Christmas in Wonderland (2007) 4950 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Funny Ha Ha (2002) TOTAL $ 1.8 $ 0.2 $ 2.0