WorldwideBoxoffice [2025]
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .

RANK  DOMESTIC  OVERSEAS     WORLD  "scream" TITLES (1900-2011)

0594  $  103.0  $   70.0  $  173.0  Scream (1996) 
0600  $  101.4  $   71.0  $  172.4  Scream 2 (1997) 
0655  $   89.1  $   72.7  $  161.8  Scream 3 (2000) 
1129  $   38.2  $   59.0  $   97.1  Scream 4 (2011) 
1800  $   52.6       n/a  $   52.6  Kicking & Screaming (2005) 
5296  $    5.8       n/a  $    5.8  Screamers (1995) 
7646  $    1.1       n/a  $    1.1  Scream (1981) 
8198  $    0.7       n/a  $    0.7  Kicking and Screaming (1995) 
10447  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Stomp! Shout! Scream! (2005) 
11207  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Screamers (2006) 

TOTAL $  392.0  $  272.6  $  664.7  

  ·     ·   1901

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