RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1910-2005) 0876 $ 22.8 $ 59.2 $ 82.0 On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) 0877 $ 81.6 n/a $ 81.6 Heaven Can Wait (1978) 0878 $ 38.4 $ 43.2 $ 81.6 Midnight Run (1988) 0879 $ 60.1 $ 21.4 $ 81.5 Hope Floats (1998) 0880 $ 67.1 $ 14.4 $ 81.5 Waiting to Exhale (1995) 0881 $ 81.2 n/a $ 81.2 Police Academy (1984) 0882 $ 47.7 $ 33.2 $ 80.9 The Rundown (2003) 0883 $ 26.5 $ 54.3 $ 80.8 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003) 0884 $ 75.6 $ 5.1 $ 80.7 The Rookie (2002) 0885 $ 80.5 $ 0.1 $ 80.6 Fiddler on the Roof (1971) 0886 $ 80.6 n/a $ 80.6 Moonstruck (1987) 0887 $ 47.3 $ 33.3 $ 80.6 Hostel (2005) 0888 $ 30.1 $ 50.4 $ 80.5 Double Impact (1991) 0889 $ 49.4 $ 30.7 $ 80.2 Runaway Jury (2003) 0890 $ 51.8 $ 28.2 $ 80.0 Finding Forrester (2000) 0891 $ 80.0 n/a $ 80.0 Footloose (1984) 0892 $ 23.2 $ 56.8 $ 80.0 The Iron Giant (1999) 0893 $ 68.4 $ 11.6 $ 80.0 Purple Rain (1984) 0894 $ 51.8 $ 28.2 $ 80.0 Exit Wounds (2001) 0895 $ 79.8 n/a $ 79.8 The Golden Child (1986) 0896 $ 79.7 n/a $ 79.7 Earthquake (1974) 0897 $ 79.6 n/a $ 79.6 WarGames (1983) 0898 $ 53.1 $ 26.4 $ 79.5 Eye for an Eye (1996) 0899 $ 64.3 $ 15.2 $ 79.5 Jackass: The Movie (2002) 0900 $ 4.1 $ 75.3 $ 79.4 Good Bye Lenin! (2003) TOTAL $ 1424.7 $ 587.1 $ 2011.8