WorldwideBoxoffice [2025]
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .


3651  $    1.1  $    6.2  $    7.3  Respiro (2002) 
3652  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Lorenzo's Oil (1992) 
3653  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Phantasm II (1988) 
3654  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Bus Stop (1956) 
3655  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Lola rennt (1998) 
3656  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Barcelona (1994) 
3657  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) 
3658  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Big Trouble (2002) 
3659  $    7.3       n/a  $    7.3  Buddy Buddy (1981) 
3660  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Off Limits (1988) 
3661  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Rush (1991) 
3662  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  The Missionary (1982) 
3663  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  B*A*P*S (1997) 
3664  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Johnny Handsome (1989) 
3665  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Force 10 from Navarone (1978) 
3666  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  She's So Lovely (1997) 
3667  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  The Big Red One (1980) 
3668  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Transylvania 6-5000 (1985) 
3669  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Paradise Alley (1978) 
3670  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Zeus and Roxanne (1997) 
3671  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1988) 
3672  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  The Boy Who Could Fly (1986) 
3673  $    7.2       n/a  $    7.2  10 to Midnight (1983) 
3674  $    7.1       n/a  $    7.1  'Breaker' Morant (1980) 
3675  $    7.1       n/a  $    7.1  North (1994) 

TOTAL $  174.5  $    6.2  $  180.7  

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