RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1914-1992) 1526 $ 11.3 n/a $ 11.3 Elmer Gantry (1960) 1527 $ 11.3 n/a $ 11.3 From the Terrace (1960) 1528 $ 11.3 n/a $ 11.3 Extreme Prejudice (1987) 1529 $ 11.3 n/a $ 11.3 One Good Cop (1991) 1530 n/a $ 11.2 $ 11.2 Mosura (1961) 1531 $ 11.2 n/a $ 11.2 La flûte à six schtroumpfs (1976) 1532 $ 11.2 n/a $ 11.2 Q & A (1990) 1533 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Return to Oz (1985) 1534 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Falling in Love (1984) 1535 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 V.I. Warshawski (1991) 1536 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Whispers in the Dark (1992) 1537 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Zorro: The Gay Blade (1981) 1538 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Big Trouble in Little China (1986) 1539 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Wild Orchid (1989) 1540 $ 11.1 n/a $ 11.1 Krush Groove (1985) 1541 $ 1.0 $ 10.0 $ 11.0 The Thirty-Nine Steps (1978) 1542 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 The Wild Life (1984) 1543 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Sing (1989) 1544 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 The Couch Trip (1988) 1545 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 The Super (1991) 1546 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) 1547 $ 5.0 $ 6.0 $ 11.0 The Great Dictator (1940) 1548 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 Tom Sawyer (1930) 1549 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 A Hole in the Head (1959) 1550 $ 11.0 n/a $ 11.0 The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (1976) TOTAL $ 250.6 $ 27.2 $ 277.9