RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1904-1991) 1376 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Fantastic Voyage (1966) 1377 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Harper (1966) 1378 $ 5.0 $ 7.0 $ 12.0 Roman Holiday (1953) 1379 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Tall Story (1960) 1380 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 The Tall Men (1955) 1381 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Comin' at Ya! (1981) 1382 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Frankenstein (1931) 1383 $ 4.5 $ 7.5 $ 12.0 The Conqueror (1956) 1384 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore (1983) 1385 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 This Gun for Hire (1942) 1386 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 The Seven Year Itch (1955) 1387 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Bon Voyage! (1962) 1388 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Phantasm (1979) 1389 $ 12.0 n/a $ 12.0 Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986) 1390 $ 11.9 n/a $ 11.9 Deathstalker (1983) 1391 $ 11.9 n/a $ 11.9 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 1392 $ 11.9 n/a $ 11.9 Making Love (1982) 1393 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Firewalker (1986) 1394 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Moulin Rouge (1952) 1395 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Back Roads (1981) 1396 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Bloodsport (1988) 1397 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Let's Do It Again (1975) 1398 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Zelig (1983) 1399 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 Caddyshack II (1988) 1400 $ 11.8 n/a $ 11.8 The Lords of Discipline (1983) TOTAL $ 283.6 $ 14.5 $ 298.1