(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .


1501  $    5.4       n/a  $    5.4  A Guy Named Joe (1943) 
1502  $    2.9  $    2.5  $    5.4  Kim (1950) 
1503  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Creator (1985) 
1504  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  C'era una volta il West (1968) 
1505  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Divine Madness (1980) 
1506  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  The Dresser (1983) 
1507  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Cannery Row (1982) 
1508  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983) 
1509  $    3.0  $    2.2  $    5.3  Never So Few (1959) 
1510  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Love Letters (1983/II) 
1511  $    5.3       n/a  $    5.3  Gardens of Stone (1987) 
1512  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  My Dinner with Andre (1981) 
1513  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Charlotte's Web (1973) 
1514  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Alice in Wonderland (1951) 
1515  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Venom (1981) 
1516  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Hollywood Shuffle (1987) 
1517  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  In God We Tru$t (1980) 
1518  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Inchon (1981) 
1519  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  The Yearling (1946) 
1520  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  The Comedians (1967) 
1521  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  52 Pick-Up (1986) 
1522  $    5.2       n/a  $    5.2  Student Bodies (1981) 
1523  $    5.1       n/a  $    5.1  Butch and Sundance: The Early Days (1979) 
1524  $    1.9  $    3.2  $    5.1  Le locataire (1976) 
1525  $    5.1       n/a  $    5.1  Heidi's Song (1982) 

TOTAL $  123.2  $    7.9  $  131.2  

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