RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1900-1976) 1001 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Immoral Mr. Teas (1959) 1002 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Run for Cover (1955) 1003 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Walk the Proud Land (1956) 1004 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Fun in Acapulco (1963) 1005 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Charro! (1969) 1006 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Sitting Bull (1954) 1007 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Watermelon Man (1970) 1008 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Trash (1970) 1009 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 At Long Last Love (1975) 1010 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Burning Hills (1956) 1011 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Tales of Terror (1962) 1012 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Long Wait (1954) 1013 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Harum Scarum (1965) 1014 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Destry (1954) 1015 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 Men of the Fighting Lady (1954) 1016 $ 1.5 n/a $ 1.5 The Only Game in Town (1970) 1017 $ 1.0 $ 0.5 $ 1.5 Anna Christie (1930/I) 1018 n/a $ 1.5 $ 1.5 Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven (1970) 1019 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 Phantom of the Rue Morgue (1954) 1020 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 Movie Crazy (1932) 1021 $ 0.7 $ 0.7 $ 1.4 Until They Sail (1957) 1022 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 The Servant (1963) 1023 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 That Lady in Ermine (1948) 1024 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 Beachhead (1954) 1025 $ 1.4 n/a $ 1.4 Secret of the Incas (1954) TOTAL $ 34.3 $ 2.6 $ 36.9