WorldwideBoxoffice [2025]
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

by gross, whose initial release was between and , and whose title contains the text .


1376  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961) 
1377  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Eternal Flame (1922) 
1378  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Good Provider (1922) 
1379  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Across the Continent (1922) 
1380  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Nice People (1922) 
1381       n/a  $    0.1  $    0.1  Los ojos azules de la muñeca rota (1974) 
1382  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Dictator (1922) 
1383  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Impossible Mrs. Bellew (1922) 
1384  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Penrod (1922) 
1385  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Promiscuous Sex (1967) 
1386  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Man Who Saw Tomorrow (1922) 
1387  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Une femme est une femme (1961) 
1388  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Touchez pas au grisbi (1954) 
1389       n/a  $    0.1  $    0.1  El retorno de Walpurgis (1973) 
1390  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Dough and Dynamite (1914) 
1391  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  More to Be Pitied Than Scorned (1922) 
1392  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Pay Day (1922/I) 
1393  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Falstaff (Chimes at Midnight) (1965) 
1394  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie (1965) 
1395  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Under Two Flags (1922) 
1396  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) 
1397  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Tricks of the Trade (1968) 
1398  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Our Leading Citizen (1922) 
1399  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  The Masquerader (1922) 
1400  $    0.1       n/a  $    0.1  Turn to the Right (1922) 

TOTAL $    3.0  $    0.3  $    3.3  

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