4K Restoration/1977/Star Wars

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  • "The movie was restored in 4K by Prime Focus in 2012 using the Lowry process and the reconformed SE 35mm negative for transfer. The original conformed negative (comprising of four different stocks: 5247 camera negative (shot anamorphic), 5253 intermediate, 5243 intermediate and 5249 CRI) was broken up for cleaning in 1996/1997 and reconstituted as the Special Edition version, inclusive of brand-new opticals and new film-outs for the CG scenes. Further adjustments to the movie's content were made in the digital space in 2004, 2011 and then 2012 using originally shot elements (including 8-perf VistaVision plates) where necessary, though the original negative for the Jabba the Hutt docking bay scene was lost after being sent off to make a 16mm reduction for the From Star Wars to Jedi documentary. A 35mm interpositive is the best surviving element of that scene." [1]


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