4K Restoration/1935/A Night at the Opera

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2021 Warner Archive Collection Blu-ray Release

  • "sourced from a recent 4K scan of the best-known restoration elements" [1]
  • "sourced from a 4K restoration made using 35mm preservation elements" [2]
  • "the Warner Archive Collection has just released the film on Blu-ray from a new 1080p remaster of a 4K scan of the best preservation elements. This was the first remaster of the film in over 20 years." [3]
  • "derived from a duplicate printing negative, and is therefore presumably third generation" [4]
  • "The Blu-ray is a new 2021 1080p remaster from a 4K scan of our best preservation elements. The minor footage M-G-M cut from the original negative which referenced Italy for a reissue during WWII has yet to be located, despite decades of searching. This is the first remaster in more than 20 years." [5]
