RANK DOMESTIC OVERSEAS WORLD "" TITLES (1952-1952) 0026 $ 1.2 n/a $ 1.2 Hangman's Knot (1952) 0027 $ 1.2 n/a $ 1.2 Blackbeard, the Pirate (1952) 0028 $ 1.2 n/a $ 1.2 Invasion, U.S.A. (1952) 0029 n/a $ 0.0 $ 0.0 Jeux interdits (1952) 0030 $ 1.8 n/a $ 1.8 Ruby Gentry (1952) 0031 $ 2.5 n/a $ 2.5 The Crimson Pirate (1952) 0032 $ 4.4 n/a $ 4.4 The Jazz Singer (1952) 0033 $ 0.1 n/a $ 0.1 Umberto D. (1952) 0034 $ 1.6 n/a $ 1.6 Against All Flags (1952) 0035 $ 10.6 n/a $ 10.6 The Quiet Man (1952) TOTAL $ 24.5 $ 0.0 $ 24.5